School Threats - Is Your School Ready? As the new academic year begins, it is important to ensure that your school is well-equipped and prepared for any possible threat or emergency. Find out what you need to be prepared. Chris Classroom SecurityCommunicationEmergency ManagementEmergency PlanningPreventing ThreatsSchool ThreatsThreat AssessmentVisitor ManagementVolunteer Management 2023-09-26 25
5 Key Benefits of a Visitor Management System: Enhancing Safety, Security and Efficiency Learn how the implementation of a visitor management system can enhance safety, security, and efficiency in your school. Discover the 5 key benefits that will help protect students, staff, and visitors. Chris School SecuritySecurity BenefitsVisitor Management System 2023-08-23 36
Every Week is Safe Schools Week Last week was America's Safe Schools Week - a time to focus on creating safe schools for students, families, and staff. The goal is to motivate key education and law enforcement policymakers, as well as students, parents and community residents, to vigorously advocate for school safety, including keeping campuses free of crime and violence. Chris Door BarricadeSelf-Service KioskVisitor Management System 2021-11-02 13
Which Visitor Management System Will Work Best for Your School or Business? The goal at School Gate Guardian is to help keep schools and business safe through the use of our easy-to-use School Gate Guardian's Visitor Management System that quickly and effectively screens and tracks all visitors entering your school or business, while keeping unwanted visitors out. Our Visitor Management Solutions are designed to meet your needs. With three options to choose from - Staff Operated, Self-Service and Self-Service Kiosk - we have the solution that will work best for your school or business. Chris Self ServiceSelf Service KioskStaff OperatedVisitor Management System 2021-07-01 9